Nymph Game Engine
Chaiscript based Game Engine
This is the complete list of members for Sound::SoundInstance, including all inherited members.
active | Component | protected |
addObserver(std::shared_ptr< Observer > observer) | Events::Subject | virtual |
className() const noexcept | Component | virtual |
Component() | Component | |
entity | Component | protected |
eventsWaiting() const noexcept | Events::Observer | inlineprotected |
getEvent() | Events::Observer | inlineprotected |
getId() const noexcept | Component | |
getTransform() const noexcept | Component | |
getValueForSorting() const noexceptoverride | Sound::SoundInstance | virtual |
handleQueuedEvent(std::shared_ptr< Events::Event > event) override | Sound::SoundInstance | virtual |
id | Component | protected |
isActive() const noexcept | Component | |
isLooping() const noexcept | Sound::SoundInstance | |
isPlaying() const noexcept | Sound::SoundInstance | |
isStopped() const noexcept | Sound::SoundInstance | |
log(el::base::type::ostream_t &os) const override | Component | virtual |
next_id | Component | protectedstatic |
notify(std::shared_ptr< Event > event) | Events::Subject | virtual |
notifyNow(std::shared_ptr< Event > event) | Events::Subject | virtual |
onDestroy() override | Sound::SoundInstance | virtual |
onNotify(std::shared_ptr< Event > event) | Events::Observer | inline |
onNotifyNow(std::shared_ptr< Events::Event > event) override | Sound::SoundInstance | virtual |
onStart() override | Sound::SoundInstance | virtual |
onUpdate(const double delta) override | Sound::SoundInstance | virtual |
operator<(Component &other) noexcept | Component | |
play() | Sound::SoundInstance | |
processEventQueue() | Events::Observer | inline |
removeObserver(std::shared_ptr< Observer > observer) | Events::Subject | virtual |
setActive(const bool active) noexcept | Component | |
setLooping(const bool looping) | Sound::SoundInstance | |
setTransform(std::shared_ptr< Transform > transform) | Component | |
SoundInstance()=delete | Sound::SoundInstance | |
stop() | Sound::SoundInstance | |
to_string() const noexcept | Component | virtual |
transform | Component | protected |
~Component() | Component | inlinevirtual |
~Observer() | Events::Observer | inlinevirtual |
~SoundInstance()=default | Sound::SoundInstance | virtual |
~Subject()=default | Events::Subject | virtual |